New campers would enter through this gate and follow the road to the right to check in.
Pledge of Allegiance every morning at the top of the hill.
The Vacation Training Camp was founded in the 1920's on Pequawket Lake in Limington, Maine.
From an article found in the Limington Historical Society..." A new camp will open later this month at North Limington by Col. Edward C. Gibbs of Boston, who was formerly associated with President Hoover. The object of the camp is to help fatigued business men and executives to
"get back into trim" for his season's work."
Many of the visitors would ride the Maine Central Railroad and arrive at the Steep Falls Station where camp taxis would carry them the last few miles to the lake.
Looking uphill from the main house. Headquarters on the right.
The camp buildings were constructed with a pre-fabricated log panel system manufactured by the Silas Hubbard's Mill in East Limington. There were 20 or more assorted buildings including the headquarters, a mess hall, a hospital, and many individual cabins. Many of the buildings contained stone fireplaces and chimneys. A boardwalk connected Pequawket Lake to the camp a short distance up the hill.
Camp Hospital
The Mess Hall
By the 1930's, the facility had become a childrens camp run by the Rosenburg family.
Today (2007), many of the original buildings can still be seen from the North Road in Limington.
A typical overnight cabin